Super New Moon at 20° Pisces

Super New Moon at 20° Pisces

March 10, 2024 at 4:00 am CST
The New Super Moon in Pisces brings MAGICAL shifts and opportunities, BUT first we need to let go of the ideal in our minds, and then we must be willing to take quick, RADICAL action!

This New Moon is a change in plans.

This New Moon is occurring on March 10 at 20 degrees of Pisces and is forming a tight sextile to Uranus in Taurus! A sextile is a beautiful and positive aspect of OPPORTUNITY, but unlike a trine, we must act on the sextile! In other words, we have to seek. We have to knock on a few doors, and when we do, doors open.

A New Moon in the realm of Pisces is about tapping into the otherworldly. Pisces season is a time of exploration of our dreams and the subconscious realms. Pisces is a sign known for its strong intuition, creativity, and mystical nature. Pisces is a bridge between the known and the unknown. It’s mysterious. It’s ethereal. It’s confusing, especially right now, with Mercury so close to Neptune in Pisces. There is a layer of fog with Mercury conjunct Neptune and so we just can’t quite see where this is leading.

It can be a heavy season for many because prevalent Pisces themes are some of the most challenging aspects of life, such as forgiveness and letting go. It’s in the season of Pisces that we understand that life is actually out of our hands. We have no control. We do what we can and then we must let go.

But this is where the magic of Pisces is. It’s in the letting go. Because when we let go, we open up to the Universe, to God, to the unknown, which is a million times more powerful than we will ever be.

We have to remember that after Pisces comes Aries. Pisces is, in a lot of ways, the darkness before the dawn. It’s the end before that new beginning. We can’t skip past it! But every turn of the wheel has its value. In Pisces, we learn to surrender. To release, to have faith that something bigger than us is the one steering this wheel! That there is a purpose to where we are right now, especially if it is not where we desire to be.

So there are some very positive things about this new moon that make it quite magical. Like I mentioned before, this New Moon is sextile to Uranus. This indicates that opportunities to change our situations are there, but they are not what we thought they would be. We have to let go of what we envisioned in order to see the opportnities that await. We have to let go in order to welcome something potentially even better. Sometimes we get so hyperfocused on our vision or dream and how we expect it to come about that we close ourselves off to the infinite potentials and possibilities, as well as the infinite ways that our dream can manifest itself in our reality.

This New Moon is also sandwiched between Saturn and Neptune. Which indicates that whatever intentions we are setting with this new moon, we must continue to strike the  balance, we must find the middle ground between hard work and commitment, and letting go and trusting the universe to guide us. Following our intuitive and creative impulses. Take action when we get the feeling, and then rest and trust. These new moon intentions will materialize like magic if we can follow this recipe. And this is ultimately, THE recipe. We have to have an intention for ourselves. We have to aim ourselves at it, work for it and then let it go.

The tricky thing about this new Moon is it occurs on the heels of Mars in Aquarius SQUARING Uranus. Which means the build up to this New Moon cycle has probably been full of frustration, disruption, changes in plans, and anxiety! In previous days we may have acted on impulse and allowed our frustrations to get the better of us. We may have tried to FORCE our hand or to MAKE things happen by sheer force of will, only to realize it was futile.

Because that is not how Pisces energy works. We have to let go.

So keep that in mind as we’re moving through these energies. This New Moon opens a flood gate in a lot of ways. It’s the dam finally breaking and then leading us right into eclipse season where change is inevitable. The next Full Moon is a lunar eclipse in Libra and I really like that Full Moon. I think it’s going to culminate some really beautiful things that we’ll look back to these last few months and go, oh ok. That’s what that was about! Not only that but April brings a lot of exciting changes, including a really powerful Solar eclipse in Aries and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which I personally cannot wait.

How you might FEEL under this Pisces New Moon energy:

Sensory overload or overwhelm

Floods of emotion

Longing for the ideal or for a spiritual home

Sadness or grief for what has ended

A desire to escape through drugs or alcohol


How to work with this energy:

Creativity. Use your imagination

Visualize your intentions

Prayer & Meditation


Cleansing baths

Grounding or Calming Practices, such as communing with nature

Keep a dream journal

LET GO. Rest. Sleep.


I hope you found this helpful. I wish you a very magical New Moon Cycle in the sign of Pisces


Pisces Season 2024

Pisces, the last sign, is the one that takes all that has come before it, that which is known, and with a twinkle in the eyes, watches it dissolve into the nebulous unknown.

This is a magical and miraculous process we humans get the privilege of experiencing. It’s a mysterious process that forces us to trust and let go to things we don’t understand which is absolutely terrifying too.

It was never meant to be easy, this go 'round. Rather, every drop of life was meant to be fully experienced—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Every dark and painful moment of suffering has a counterpart in the light and I, for one, don’t want to miss any of it.

This Pisces season continues the story of Saturn in Pisces, which is assisting us in structuring this highly sensitive area of our lives. Saturn in Pisces is leveling up our creative life while assisting us in establishing boundaries to protect our spiritual energies and gifts from those who wish to take too much.

It can feel oppressive with Saturn here, as though the magic of life has disappeared. But don’t forget Neptune is here too, quietly doing it’s mysterious work. The magic is definitely not gone. It’s never gone. With the help of Saturn and Neptune, the magic is just taking its time and becoming more potent.

This Pisces season is exciting with the lovers, Venus and Mars, meeting in Aquarius on the 21st of February while separately squaring over to Uranus in the coming days. So much change is unfolding in the early months of 2024 and it continues into Aries season when we have our eclipses and then the Jupiter Uranus conjunction at the start of Taurus season.

The Sun’s transit through in Pisces is here to remind you to look through the lense of HOPE as we travel these turbulent waters and BELIEVE that a better life awaits on the other side. The power of Pisces is to DREAM. To create the life you want by first visualizing its existence. Anything is possible in Pisces. With Saturn and Neptune here, I suggest you dream big, my friends.

Happy Pisces season ♓️

Super New Moon at 20° Aquarius

Super New Moon at 20° Aquarius

February 9, 2024 at 4:59 pm CST

On the heels of Mercury conjunct Pluto and Venus squaring the Lunar Nodes, comes the Super New Moon in Aquarius on February 9, 2024 at 20° of Aquarius. This New Moon is ushering in erratic and REBELLIOUS new beginnings in the area of life that is occupied by Aquarius.

As we move through this New Moon energy, many of us may feel “caged” in some way with an extreme restlessness and urge to break free. That’s because this New Moon is closely squaring Uranus, giving off a frustrated, “I’m DONE” kind of vibe. Squares in astrology create a degree of TENSION, which in turn, spurs us into action. With the New Moon square to Uranus, we may find ourselves taking shocking, rebellious, or unexpected action that takes our lives in a strange new direction.

It’s imperative to recognize that Uranus activations like this Aquarius New Moon, are trying to SHAKE US out of where we are being too rigid and JOLT US AWAKE to a more liberating and aligned experience in this area of life.

However, Uranus does this by first making us acutely aware of all the ways we are BOUND here and conforming to rules, restrictions, and regulations we no longer find fair, just, or appropriate.

Many people will find themselves doing things outside of their norm throughout this lunar cycle, saying ‘NO MORE’ to things they’ve always said yes to, advocating for more freedoms, and taking shocking, impulsive actions to attain them.

Mercury is also square to Jupiter at this New Moon, giving us confidence in ourselves and expanding the possibilities in our minds.

New Moons are always new beginnings and a time of initiation. Indeed, the moves we make now take us on exhilarating and untethered adventures. However, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. The thing is, life IS a bumpy ride. That doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing.

Where in your life are you feeling caged?

What action are you ready to take to release yourself?

Wishing you a happy and liberating New Moon in Aquarius!⚡♒⚡


Full Moon at 5° Leo

Full Moon at 5° Leo

January 25, 2024 at 1:54 pm CST

This Leo Full Moon is a rebirth of authenticity, but to be reborn, something must first die. In the sign of Leo, this is an EGO death.

Somewhere along our journey, we have lost perspective. For many of us, we may even have lost touch with who we are and what makes us special.

This is a challenging Full Moon, forming a Fixed T Square in the sky between the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, the Moon in Leo, and Jupiter in Taurus. These are powerful and dramatic influences, which could lead to a roller coaster of exaggerated emotions. Our egos may feel threatened or our confidence may take a hit.

This Full Moon highlights the yearly Sun/Pluto conjunction which occurred on January 20th at the final degree and minute of Capricorn. These two influences then shifted into Aquarius on the same day within hours of one another.

The yearly Sun/Pluto conjunction is a time of RELEASE, when we need to let go of anything that is holding us back, be it, something tangible such as relationships or jobs, or something more intangible such as fear, obsession, control, or toxic beliefs. Pluto is bringing about these revelations and showing us what has become a detriment to our true selves AND our well-being.

The Sun square Jupiter brings our integrity up for review. Have we slowly stepped into a gray area? Said ‘ok’ to things that made us feel kind of icky, but only because that’s just the way it is?

The Sun in Aquarius is a rebellious energy and it is telling us to STOP conforming to the twisted status quo.

This IS the message behind this Full Moon. It is time to forget toxic influences and be unapologetically YOU.

The other big energy this week is Mercury conjoining with Mars in the sign of Capricorn to square the lunar nodes, bringing a fated twist to this energy. This is an activation of what was set in motion at the Libra Solar Eclipse we had back in October. Mars and Mercury in Capricorn are all about decisive and quick action and its likely that we’ve made up our mind about something and now we are ready to do something about it.

However, Mercury and Mars are also trine to Uranus in Taurus, which is stationing direct on the26th, following the Full Moon. Things may end abruptly, or surprise us at this time, but there is assistance. New paths will open up that take us in a brand new direction we never would have foreseen for ourselves.

It’s important to not look back at this Full Moon and ask yourself:

Am I standing in my integrity?

What (or who) do I need to be released for me to realign with my authentic self?


Remember, aligning with your integrity will never lead you astray.

Happy Full Moon in Leo🔥♌🔥


New Moon at 28° Taurus

♉️New Moon in Taurus♉️

May 19, 2023 at 10:53 am CDT

This New Moon  occurs alongside a rather challenging energy, that of Jupiter, Mars, Pluto AND the Lunar Nodes in a Fixed Grand Cross that only grows more intense over the next  several days. Without going in to all the details, the energy of this Fixed Grand Cross is one that has the potential to bring great personal success or powerful self-destruction. How we use this energy is up to us.

The good news is that this New Moon in Taurus has a mitigating influence on these other more intense energies. It forms sextiles to both Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. These gentler energies indicate that what will help us achieve the personal successes we are after is not the cutthroat, competitive or selfish approach, although that may be our instinct at this time, especially as Mars opposes Pluto!  

These watery sextiles indicate a more compassionate, understanding and even spiritual approach to achieving our goals. When you get down to it, are we not all after the same base things in life? In our own way, do we not each seek safety, security, stability and freedom that allows us to live our lives as we please? These are very Taurus themes and when we consider that Taurus is a sign signifying abundance, this is a good time to reflect on the overall abundance of the cosmos.

Human beings have been conditioned to feel as though there isn’t enough to go around. That we must hustle and push and compete our way to the top, but this is not true. This is fear. This is capitalism, but it is not the Universe. At this New Moon, we can set the intention to remove ourselves from ways of being that make us feel as though we’ll never be or have enough.

What would happen if we knew that what we seek is already ours? What would happen if we relaxed a little and began celebrating the successes of our friends and even our so-called competitors? I dare you to try it out at this New Moon. Because while there are certainly external challenges in the energy, these challenges give us an opportunity to reflect on what blocks us on an internal level and keeps us from experiencing a sense of inner peace and satisfaction.  

I’ll remind you that the cosmos are always moving us forward and presenting us with what we need to evolve and live our purpose in this lifetime. I'll even remind you that competition is an illusion because no one else has your unique voice or your unique stamp on things. But sometimes what we need are challenging circumstances that bring about a deep internal overhaul so that we can learn (or relearn) that we are limitless beings. I believe that is what is occurring at this New Moon.

Wish that I wish you all a happy New Moon in Taurus!🙏


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 14° Scorpio

♏️Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 14° Scorpio

Exact on May 5, 2023 at 12:34 pm CDT

The energy of the final Scorpio eclipse is one of renewal, regeneration, revival, rejuvenation, deep rest, and even karmic rebalancing for any hardship or suffering we may have been experiencing throughout the last 18 months in the Scorpio area of our lives. It may not feel like it yet, but we are leveling up now and truly moving on. The battle is over here and we are healing on levels we may not even be consciously aware of.

This Full Moon is powerful, and yet it has a strange gentleness about it. There is an exhausted urge within our bones to let go at this full moon because we know we have made it to this beautiful end, an end many of us were beginning to wonder if it would ever come. We may want to cry or to sleep or to simply let ourselves be heavy, collapsing where we are because it is what feels right. It's ok to trust it, my friends.

With Mars in Cancer trine to this Full Moon we are reminded that our emotions are not a weakness but a strength. We can be vulnerable and strong at the same time. We can be warriors and still need rest and care. The Full Moon also trines Saturn in Pisces, which lets us know the Universe will hold us in its arms until we are ready again.

With the Full Moon in Scorpio, there is always some kind of purge happening, but because this moon is an eclipse to the South Node, it is speaking to a larger cycle in our lives and closing a massive chapter. On some level I don’t doubt that we all feel this Full Moon.

Finally, the Full Moon opposes chaotic Uranus in Taurus which indicates something unexpected. But perhaps the surprise is peace & calm. Perhaps the surprise is we don’t have to be on guard tonight after so many months of restless sleep. Perhaps the surprise is that Uranus won't behave like Uranus this time? Haha, we'll see.

🙏With that I wish you all deep healing rest and soulful, penetrative breaths that revive you at your core and provide gratifying relief for what has come and gone. May you rise again when you are ready, stronger and more powerful than you knew possible.

New Moon Solar Eclipse at 29° Aries

Exact on April 19, 2023 at 11:19pm CDT

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries has a very clear theme repeated over and over via different astrological signatures. Endings and beginnings.

As we know, new moons are always an ending and a new beginning in some way. Solar eclipses are especially significant new moons because the light of the sun is symbolically eclipsed, or ended, by the transiting moon and then re-emerges as the moon moves on. An ending and a beginning.

Additionally, this new moon solar eclipse is happening in the first sign of the zodiac, ARIES, indicating something new, fresh, or beginning. However, this new moon is occurring at the 29th degree of Aries. The 29th degree of any sign is indicative of ENDINGS. The new moon closely squares Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius. 0 degrees is a beginning, but Pluto is the planet of transformation, by death and rebirth.

Endings and beginnings.

With this energy, a death or an ending may have already occurred in our lives, but now we are dealing with the rot or the decay of that ending. A square to Pluto indicates that this is an important time of release. However, it also indicates that we have held onto something far past its expiration and it has now turned toxic.

With Pluto, letting things go does not come so easily, but we must remember that Pluto represents a final death and what has died can never be brought back to life. Unfortunately, Pluto indicates a certain psychological attachment, such as a fear of losing control as a result of letting something go. This could be a deeply ingrained fear or behavior that no longer makes any sense and is stunting our progress. This could be a passion that has turned into an unhealthy obsession. This could be a once fiery romance that has turned toxic and manipulative.

Whatever this is for each of us, it’s time to say goodbye for good because this intense new moon energy indicates that we are now at the point where we are blocking our transformation. We are blocking our own evolution as a result of this attachment. The good news is that Pluto is revelatory energy as well and brings this shadowy truth to our awareness very clearly.

What in your life has long since expired but you’ve held onto it? What are you ready to release in order to truly begin again? The time is now, my friends. Your transformation awaits you, but you must take action when the moon is in Aries.

With that, I wish you all blessings of exciting new beginnings with this powerful Aries eclipse energy.



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Full Moon at 16° Libra

Exact at 11:34 pm CDT

The thing I love best about studying the zodiac is that all 12 signs are equal slices of the greater pie. They each have very different energies, but they are equal, all of them important in the totality of our existence as human beings. When you move through the zodiac, no one theme or lesson or archetype is any more powerful than the other. Some may stand out, but that is because that is their role, just as it is the role of others to be behind the scenes.

In the case of Aries/Libra, one sees that some things are worth fighting for while the other sees that war will never make peace. We need both of these energies in order to evolve just as we need to go after the things we want for ourselves in order to be happy, but we must also consider how our wants and desires affect the happiness of the other people in our lives. Sometimes it’s a compromise. To be in any kind of healthy, meaningful, or lasting relationship with anyone, we must be willing to negotiate.

This Full Moon is opposite Chiron and Jupiter in Aries. The area of our lives ruled by Aries is both receiving tremendous healing at this time and gaining intense amounts of wisdom, especially this year. Chiron’s long transit here is showing many of us that we’ve been walking through life wounded at our very core, some of us not even knowing who we even are or what we really want out of our lives. No wonder our relationships have been a mess! How can we possibly know how to navigate or negotiate a healthy relationship if we don’t know our core self?

Jupiter in Aries is blessing us with wisdom and perspective in this area of life. The Full Moon highlights this and it’s as if we can ourselves for the very first time. What have we been doing?! We’ve been so outta whack! But we are ready now to walk a more balanced path.

In the Zodiac, when one energy is out of balance, we know integrating the opposite energy will help us. That is the message of any Full Moon, but especially the Aries Libra axis! This Full Moon brings us back to the middle, showing us that as we heal ourselves, our relationships get a chance to heal too.  

May this full moon help you see the balance and perfect order of it all.
