Full Moon at 5° Leo

Full Moon at 5° Leo

January 25, 2024 at 1:54 pm CST

This Leo Full Moon is a rebirth of authenticity, but to be reborn, something must first die. In the sign of Leo, this is an EGO death.

Somewhere along our journey, we have lost perspective. For many of us, we may even have lost touch with who we are and what makes us special.

This is a challenging Full Moon, forming a Fixed T Square in the sky between the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, the Moon in Leo, and Jupiter in Taurus. These are powerful and dramatic influences, which could lead to a roller coaster of exaggerated emotions. Our egos may feel threatened or our confidence may take a hit.

This Full Moon highlights the yearly Sun/Pluto conjunction which occurred on January 20th at the final degree and minute of Capricorn. These two influences then shifted into Aquarius on the same day within hours of one another.

The yearly Sun/Pluto conjunction is a time of RELEASE, when we need to let go of anything that is holding us back, be it, something tangible such as relationships or jobs, or something more intangible such as fear, obsession, control, or toxic beliefs. Pluto is bringing about these revelations and showing us what has become a detriment to our true selves AND our well-being.

The Sun square Jupiter brings our integrity up for review. Have we slowly stepped into a gray area? Said ‘ok’ to things that made us feel kind of icky, but only because that’s just the way it is?

The Sun in Aquarius is a rebellious energy and it is telling us to STOP conforming to the twisted status quo.

This IS the message behind this Full Moon. It is time to forget toxic influences and be unapologetically YOU.

The other big energy this week is Mercury conjoining with Mars in the sign of Capricorn to square the lunar nodes, bringing a fated twist to this energy. This is an activation of what was set in motion at the Libra Solar Eclipse we had back in October. Mars and Mercury in Capricorn are all about decisive and quick action and its likely that we’ve made up our mind about something and now we are ready to do something about it.

However, Mercury and Mars are also trine to Uranus in Taurus, which is stationing direct on the26th, following the Full Moon. Things may end abruptly, or surprise us at this time, but there is assistance. New paths will open up that take us in a brand new direction we never would have foreseen for ourselves.

It’s important to not look back at this Full Moon and ask yourself:

Am I standing in my integrity?

What (or who) do I need to be released for me to realign with my authentic self?


Remember, aligning with your integrity will never lead you astray.

Happy Full Moon in Leo🔥♌🔥
