Full Moon at 16° Libra

Exact at 11:34 pm CDT

The thing I love best about studying the zodiac is that all 12 signs are equal slices of the greater pie. They each have very different energies, but they are equal, all of them important in the totality of our existence as human beings. When you move through the zodiac, no one theme or lesson or archetype is any more powerful than the other. Some may stand out, but that is because that is their role, just as it is the role of others to be behind the scenes.

In the case of Aries/Libra, one sees that some things are worth fighting for while the other sees that war will never make peace. We need both of these energies in order to evolve just as we need to go after the things we want for ourselves in order to be happy, but we must also consider how our wants and desires affect the happiness of the other people in our lives. Sometimes it’s a compromise. To be in any kind of healthy, meaningful, or lasting relationship with anyone, we must be willing to negotiate.

This Full Moon is opposite Chiron and Jupiter in Aries. The area of our lives ruled by Aries is both receiving tremendous healing at this time and gaining intense amounts of wisdom, especially this year. Chiron’s long transit here is showing many of us that we’ve been walking through life wounded at our very core, some of us not even knowing who we even are or what we really want out of our lives. No wonder our relationships have been a mess! How can we possibly know how to navigate or negotiate a healthy relationship if we don’t know our core self?

Jupiter in Aries is blessing us with wisdom and perspective in this area of life. The Full Moon highlights this and it’s as if we can ourselves for the very first time. What have we been doing?! We’ve been so outta whack! But we are ready now to walk a more balanced path.

In the Zodiac, when one energy is out of balance, we know integrating the opposite energy will help us. That is the message of any Full Moon, but especially the Aries Libra axis! This Full Moon brings us back to the middle, showing us that as we heal ourselves, our relationships get a chance to heal too.  

May this full moon help you see the balance and perfect order of it all.
