Advice for a Dark Moon

If the energy feels stagnant today it's because it is. We have reached the end of our moon cycle and what is called a waning dark moon. Think of our moon cycles as the mini cycles of our lives. We are at the end of something, and though we may not be able to put our finger on it exactly, we can sense its mini death within us. This not the time to put your energy into new things or beginning again, that will come later this week. No, this is the time to honor the mini life that is now ending. I liken this period to Savasana in yoga, a very important pose of stillness and integration. If you are a yogi, you are familiar with Savasana, the Corpse pose, and you know there's no skipping Savasana or you miss the whole point of the practice. The integration is in the stillness and there's a reason why so many struggle with this pose. But we also know that's why it is the most important pose. Right now, its important to allow yourself to feel whatever it is that is coming up and know you will be ok, even if it feels troublesome. Maybe it's anxiety, maybe it's anger or sadness. This is part of the process and yes, this is the time when our shadow reveals itself again to be loved ever more deeply. Nobody's favorite time, but a necessary one if we want to understand wholeness in this lifetime.

On the other hand, the dark moon is a great time for cleansing your space, clearing your altars, resting, meditating, journaling. Tomorrow the moon moves into a powerful Virgo stellium and becomes new again in an exact trine to Uranus in Taurus. What feels stagnant today can, and will likely shift very quickly. Allow yourself to purge today, to feel, to move emotions. If you struggle to move emotions, practice it symbolically and mindfully by actually physically cleansing your body and/or your space. By doing so you energetically align with the cosmos. You create space for newness to move in when the cosmos deem it time. As I learn more about astrology, specifically the cycles of our moon, I am moved to share the little tidbits I find helpful in setting my own emotions and anxieties at ease. I hope this has been helpful for you.

Namaste ❤
